Friday 30 October 2015

A journey from hell... - a passive voice story

Recently, we have been practising the passive. 

It is a difficult construction and it takes a lot of practice before you are able to use it comfortably. 

So in order to help you out, I've prepared a story (in the active voice), that could be changed to the passive. You have the example of how this could be done in red. 

Please note, that sentences in green CANNOT be changed to the passive.

Early morning, I set off to work as usual. The journey from Hartlepool to Middlesbrough usually takes me about 35 minutes. This morning, it took me 2 hours. From the very beginning everything was wrong.
 I didn't lock the car and somebody broke into it. The car wasn't locked and it was broken into.
 Somebody stole my CD player.
 Somebody broke my rear window.
 Somebody left their coat in my car.
 I called the police.
 The police investigated the scene.
 The police took the finger prints.

 *They advised me to call my insurance company. I was advised... 
The insurance company delivered a replacement car in 30 minutes.
They gave me the keys to the replacement car and I went to work.
When I arrived at work, Alison told me that being late is unacceptable.
Alison gave me a warning.
I was so angry that I said I wanted a day off!

Below, you have some flashcards that will help you check if your answers are correct. 

Flash Card Deck created by mariolahejduk with GoConqr