Tuesday 4 February 2014

10 years of Facebook

Can you imagine your life without Facebook now? Do you think it has a positive or negative influence on people's lives, especially the lives of teenagers? Can you go one day without checking your status and posting on Facebook?

Below is a link to a very interesting article about the first 10 years of Facebook in numbers and the numbers are staggering! The world wide craze that Facebook caused is truly mind boggling.  Why do you think that is?

The article is here: Facebook: ten years of social networking


  1. Hi Mariola!
    You asked about life without Facebook . Can I live without Facebook? Yes,I can .I like Facebook,but I can breathe without Facebook :).I think problem with Facebook's influence have teenagers.They are a young people,whose aren't resistant to another's opinions.They want to be popular and often they make diffrent stupid things. Few days ago I saw on the Facebook more young people whose drank more vodka : one bottle in two minutes. Who drank it faster this was better.This is example when Facebook has bad influence on people's life.
    But in the other hand on Facebook is more intresting informations.We can know new facts about people and things ,whose we like.
    The statistics say : people love Facebook.Why? People love know : all about everyone and people like speak about their life. :)

    Kasia Przezdziecka

  2. Thanks for your comment Kasia! I think you've raised 2 very important points there. First, the fact that Facebook can be quite dangerous, especially if used irresponsibly. The trend of 'daring' other people to drink large amounts of alcohol and post the videos of doing it is such an example. But do you think it is the responsibility of Facebook creators to restrict people from using it that way? Maybe it's the responsibility of people to behave in a way that is not dangerous to their health?
    A second point that you mentioned, is the fact that people love to be in the know and the fact that people are so keen to share their life events. I think that's the secret to success of Facebook: the natural inclination people have to share what's going on in their lives. I think that because of this characteristic of the human nature, Facebook will exist for years to come.

    1. Hi Mariola! I thought about your question. I know : Facebook creators can introduce new rule : Don't can put any materials about behaviour that harm people's health.When some people put it,they can't use Facebook. :)
