Saturday 16 May 2015

Present Perfect Continuous- We have been talking about it...

Hello students!

Recently, we have been talking about present perfect continuous tense. This tense is very similar to present perfect, the only difference being the continuous aspect, i.e. -ing. I've used this tense in the first sentence of this post- 'We have been talking about present perfect.'

Here are some more examples of sentences. Some of them are positive (+), some are negative (-) and some are questions (?).

(+) I have been living in the UK for 10 years.
(+) We have been redecorating our room for the past hour.
(+) They have been waiting for Michelle since 5 o’clock.
(+) Jim has been watching TV all morning.
(?) How long have you been living in your current house? 
(-) Jack and Jill have not been making progress in their English class recently. 

So in order to create this tense we need:
Have/has + been + verb + ing 

So when should we use this tense? Look at the infographic below:

Now, let's practise  the form. Blow you have a set of 11 flashcards. Each flashcard contains words that you need to use to create a sentence in present perfect continuous. Read the words, and say, or write the sentence. Later, click on the card to reveal the answer.

Flash Card Deck created by mariolahejduk with GoConqr

Finally, there is another exercise to practise the form. Read the description and select the correct sentence:

  Quiz created by mariolahejduk with GoConqr

For more information and exercises about this tense please, go to:

present perfect and present perfect continuous
BBC Grammar challenge
More explanation and more practice

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