Thursday 30 January 2014

How to learn any language in 6 months

Do you think it is possible to learn any language in 6 months? Do you think that you need to have a special talent for languages? Where is it better to learn the language- in the country that it is spoken or in your own country? Do you have any special ways in which YOU learn a language and, more importantly, do they work?
Below is a Youtube video where the author argues that it is possible to learn any language in 6 months. He gives 5 principles and 7 actions that anyone can use in the process of learning a language and the results should appear quickly. Watch the video and think if you agree with the author. Think if YOU follow the principles and actions. Please share your comments below!

Future tenses in English

Hello students!

Today we had a discussion about different future tenses. We discovered that there are a few ways of expressing the future and sometimes it is difficult to decide which tense to use.

Below is the mindmap that I used during the lesson. It will help you to understand different uses of the tenses we discussed during the lesson:

by mariolahejduk

To practise the use of different future tenses, please do the exercises on the following websites:

Future Mix
Future tenses

After you have finished, you can check your answers by clicking 'Check Answers'. Make note of your result because it's important to know if you need more practice or not.

I also put the link to the article on how researchers try to predict future from newspaper articles. Do as many exercises as you can and remember to take note of your scores! (BTW, you can also listen to the article on the website)

News Can Help Predict the Future

In the meantime, if you have any comments regarding the lesson (what you remembered in particular, what you liked/didn't like, if there is anything that you want more practice on), please comment below!

Tuesday 28 January 2014

The importance of setting goals in language learning

Hello students!

In today's lesson we discussed what English is and we shared different methods that we use to learn the language. We agreed that most of us need more practice with speaking and listening and some students said that they need to work on their writing. We also established that the preferred method of improving listening and reading skills was to watch movies with subtitles and listen to the radio. For your homework, I asked you to think of 5 things that you want to learn by the end of the course and how you are going to achieve it. It is a very important homework and I want you to think about it carefully and bring it to our lesson on Tuesday. Below, I give you some examples to give you an idea how to approach your homework: 

Thursday 23 January 2014


Welcome to the north-east ESOL blog!

My name is Mariola and I am an ESOL tutor and this blog is for ESOL students and ESOL teachers who want to share their thoughts and ideas about learning and teaching English as a second language. Although the blog is called the north-east ESOL blog, as I live and work in the north-east of England, everyone is welcome to participate! Let's get started!