Thursday 30 January 2014

How to learn any language in 6 months

Do you think it is possible to learn any language in 6 months? Do you think that you need to have a special talent for languages? Where is it better to learn the language- in the country that it is spoken or in your own country? Do you have any special ways in which YOU learn a language and, more importantly, do they work?
Below is a Youtube video where the author argues that it is possible to learn any language in 6 months. He gives 5 principles and 7 actions that anyone can use in the process of learning a language and the results should appear quickly. Watch the video and think if you agree with the author. Think if YOU follow the principles and actions. Please share your comments below!


  1. Hi everyone!
    Before watch the speech I was sure that speak a language in 6 month it was impossible but now I’m not sure. This man seems to speak with property, and behind his theory there are 5 principles and also 7 actions that support it. I found it interesting, actually, I’m aware that I’m using some of these actions and others I’m going to getting used to following so couldn’t be harmful for my learning. For example, one of my main goals as an English learner is to improve my pronunciation therefore I’m going to getting used to imitating the face of native speakers. At last I just want to add an aspect that the speaker omitted supposing that is obvious, the motivation during the 6 months has to be on the top without collapse, fact that is not always easy.
    Bye, see you at class!!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Nuria! I agree that the author assumed that if you live in a foreign country you will be motivated to learn the language of that country, which is not necessarily the case. There are many people who live in their own closed communities here in the UK and sometimes they don't have a need or opportunity to learn English.
      The thing that got me thinking was when the author said that you don't need to have a special talent for languages to learn a language. Maybe that's true but from my observation it is definitely easier to learn a language if you have a 'knack' for it and you have more chances of becoming proficient in it. Many people who find learning languages difficult will not continue trying because they find the process of learning a language too time-consuming or stressful or pointless as they will not see themselves as being successful language users one day. Only very few of such people will try to overcome their 'lack of talent' for languages and keep learning. But in order to do that, they need to be very highly motivated (which the author didn't mention).

  2. Hi everyone!
    When I saw this article's topic first time I thought : Wow! Magic way to learn language is , but after reading ....
    I agree with the author : 6 months to learn language is possible, but this is elementary language . When you want speak and write correctly you need more time.
    I agree with you Mariola : talent and motivation are very important.
    But I want to use actions that the author presents in his presentation.
    See you.

  3. Thanks for your comment Kasia! I'm glad that you have found the video useful. The more methods you use to learn a language, the better! I think the trick in learning a language quickly is to be courageous with it. The more you experiment, the more mistakes you make, the quicker you'll learn. It's one of the points that the author made and I fully agree with him!
