Friday 14 March 2014

The Passive Voice- who ate whom???

Did the cat eat the mouse? Or did the mouse eat the cat? I have never heard of a mouse that ate a cat, but you never know! :)

The cat ate the mouse. (Active voice- we emphasize that the the cat is doing the action of eating)
The mouse was eaten by the cat. (Passive voice- the cat is still doing the action of eating but we emphasize the fact that it was the mouse is receiving the action. Poor mouse, it's dead.) 

Passive Voice is  formed by 'to be' and past participle. Remember that you need to keep the tense when you change the sentence from the Active to the Passive voice, like in the example above.

Active Voice: The cat ate the mouse. ('ate' is the Past Simple of the verb 'to eat')
Passive Voice: The mouse was eaten by the cat. ('was' is the Past Simple of the verb 'to be', we keep the tense; 'eaten' is past participle). 

Below you have a quiz. The first sentence in is the Active Voice. Select the correct sentence in the Passive Voice. Remember the tenses need to match.

by mariolahejduk

Below you have some links to practise Passive Voice:

Various tenses in Passive
Active or Passive?
Plenty of other online exercises here

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