Monday 28 April 2014

Skills versus personal qualities

Looking for a job is a big task! That is why it is especially important to understand job adverts. Apart from typical information like the name of the company, duties and responsibilities of the job, qualifications and experience required, job adverts sometimes specify skills and qualities that the candidates are required to have. But what's the difference between skills and personal qualities?

Look at some examples below. The words underlined in red refer to skills whereas the words underlined in green refer to personal qualities. Have a think what the difference is between them.

Generally speaking, the difference between skills and personal qualities is that skills refer to something that we can do while personal qualities refer to the way we are, our character. We can also say that we can get better at our skills, for example, the longer we use computers, the better computer skills we have. On the other hand, our personal qualities remain the same throughout our lives, for example, you can be a friendly person by nature. We can't really become 'friendlier' in time. 

Sometimes, however, the distinction isn't as clear-cut. Let's think about the word 'persuasive'. According to the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, this word means 'able to persuade somebody to do or believe something', which would imply that it is more of a skill. This sort of skill would be sought after in a call centre where, as a representative, you often have to sell things. Let's say you have to sell home insurance. The more insurance policies you sell, the stronger persuasive skills you have. And of course, as you have to practise selling them every day, you become better at persuading people and you sell even more policies. In other words, 'persuasive' is a skill because you get better at it in time. 

On the other hand, some people are naturally persuasive. Maybe it's their tone of voice or maybe certain words that they use. Regardless of the reason, people tend to give in to their persuasiveness. That is why some of the call centre workers achieve remarkable results in selling insurance whereas other people just can't sell any insurance policies at all. So, we can say that 'persuasive' is a bit the way you are. You can't just learn it because otherwise all call centre workers would sell the same amount of policies.

Below, there is a list of skills and personal qualities that the employers look the most in  their future employees. Maybe you can use some words in your CV or an application form?

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