Monday 21 July 2014

Punctuation- what's difficult about it?

It seems that everyone knows the rules of punctuation. You know that a full stop is at the end of the sentence and a comma separates two independent clauses or words in a list. So what's a big deal? Why so many students get it wrong?

The importance of punctuation cannot be overestimated. Why? Because it changes the meaning of the sentence, e.g.

And it makes the reading of texts easier.

can you imagine that there is no full stops commas apostrophes question marks exclamation marks and any other marks in the text you are reading you will find that it is very difficult to follow the text because you dont know when one sentence finishes and the other one starts and of course there are no capital letters to guide you though what a mess

To practise the use of punctuation and capital letters, please follow the links and do the exercises:

Valentine's Day
St David's Day
BBC games

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